Thursday, October 28, 2010

Doggie Day Birthday Bash

Every year birthdays come and go. Instead of celebrating your birthday why not celebrate your dogs birthday. Duke turned three years old this year. However, it doesn't matter when or where you got you dog you can have a pup day bash any time of year. 
Invite people and pets that your dog gets along with. Try asking friends at the local dog park. .
Decide to decorate or not. The great thing about dog parties is they can be big or small. Balloons and streamers is a good place to start. Supplying four legged guests with party hats is a nice touch.
Prepare a nutritious homemade meal for everyone. Try, a free recipe site.. Another route is preparing a meal for both you and your dog. Bake whole chickens with vegetables. Great side dishes are white rice and roasted red potatoes. Shred some chicken and add a  cup of kibble and mix it all together for the dog.
Allow time for the dogs to get their energy out. Some ideas include a walk around the neighborhood or playing fetch.
Stop by Three Dog Bakery, an all natural dog bakery and place an order for a birthday cake. There are also individual treats to purchase as well. 
Finally, when guest begin to leave pass out a doggie bag. Some items to include are raw hides, chew toys, tennis balls, mini pup cakes or  poop bags. In the end dog parties turn out to be more fun than anticipated.
Dog parties are not limited to just birthdays,, an online resource offers other suggestions like a bark Mitzvah, a puppy shower or a howl-o-ween party. Whatever you choose to celebrate using the tips above will insure your dog party goes smoothly.